7 Days 2 Die Games Gaming Guides

7 Days 2 Die Guide – detailed information about Zombies

In 7 Days to Die, you’ll encounter various types of zombies, each with unique characteristics and challenges. While you’ll mostly deal with the standard “walker” zombies, there are also stronger types and zombified animals roaming the landscape.

Normal Zombies

Normal Zombies are the most common type you’ll encounter. These typical, garden-variety zombies are humanoid in form, slow-moving, and generally lacking purpose in their afterlife. In the early and mid-game, you’ll often face these zombies, which are relatively weak and easy to eliminate with headshots from a bow, firearm, or melee weapon.

Normal Zombies can be found in every biome, populating the streets and Points of Interest (POIs) you explore. Many share similar appearances, with some differing only in names and clothing.

Strong Zombies

True to their name, Strong Zombies are more formidable than their normal counterparts. These zombies are often larger, heavier, and capable of inflicting more damage. Though the strategy remains the same—aim for the head—Strong Zombies take longer to dispatch due to their increased health.

Strong Zombies appear in every biome but may be more prevalent in certain areas.

Special Zombies

Special Zombies encompass unique variants that don’t fit into the previous categories. Each Special Zombie is distinct, with its own behaviors and abilities, making them some of the most dangerous foes you’ll encounter. These zombies are rarer early on and become more common as you progress through the game.

Animal Zombies

As the name suggests, Animal Zombies are zombified animals. While there aren’t many varieties, they are a frequent sight in 7 Days to Die. Zombie dogs, for instance, are ubiquitous and ready to attack at any moment.

Zombie Behavior

Zombies in 7 Days to Die exhibit different behaviors based on the time of day and context. Most Normal and Strong Zombies are relatively passive during the day but become more aggressive at night. Their interactions with players and animals can also vary, and they may not always travel alone.


During daylight hours, zombies wander aimlessly in search of prey. If they spot you, they will move towards you but maintain their slow pace. In POIs like houses and buildings, zombies can often be caught off-guard. They might be lurking behind doors or lying in wait on the ground, allowing for stealth attacks with extra damage. However, be aware that these attacks can alert nearby zombies.


When darkness falls at 22:00, zombies become “Feral,” meaning they turn aggressive and gain speed. This transformation mirrors the shift from “walker” to “runner” in zombie films. It’s best to stay indoors at night, as zombies can easily pursue and overwhelm you. Their feral behavior lasts until 04:00 when they return to their daytime state.

Wandering Horde

Occasionally, you may encounter a wandering horde—a large group of Normal and Strong Zombies. It’s wise to avoid these hordes unless you’re well-prepared to face multiple zombies simultaneously.


Zombies crave flesh, regardless of its source. Occasionally, you might witness a zombie and an animal vying for dominance. If the zombie prevails, it will feast on the animal. You can also use a slain animal as bait to attract zombies.

Feral and Radiated Zombies

All zombie types can fall into rarer categories of Feral or Radiated Zombies.

  • Feral Zombies: These have more health and deal higher damage. Like nighttime zombies, they are always running and are easily identified by their glowing, orange eyes and aggressive nature. Wights are a notable example, as they are always feral.
  • Radiated Zombies: More common in the late game, these zombies glow green and are even stronger than Feral Zombies. They regenerate health over time, making them tougher to kill. A Rad Remover Mod on your weapon can halt their regeneration.

Zombie Lists

Below is a detailed list of zombies, their common biomes, health, and tips for defeating them.

Normal Zombies

BoeAll Biomes200
ArleneAll Biomes150
DarleneAll Biomes200
BusinessmanAll Biomes (Offices)150
NurseAll Biomes (Hospitals)150
JanitorAll Biomes200
JoeAll Biomes150
YoAll Biomes200
ThugAll Biomes200
SteveAll Biomes150
Utility WorkerAll Biomes (Construction)200
HazmatDesert, Wasteland150
Party GirlAll Biomes (Apartments)150
Lab WorkerAll Biomes (Hospitals)200

Strong Zombies

TouristAll Biomes450
BikerAll Biomes500
Zombie SoldierDesert, Wasteland250
Big MamaAll Biomes450
MoeAll Biomes250

Special Zombies

Cop ZombieDesert, Wasteland500Avoid its projectile vomit and explosive potential
Burnt ZombieBurnt Forest150Headshots are effective
Mutated ZombieAll Biomes575Use long-range weapons
WightWasteland1250Engage from a distance with powerful weapons
Spider ZombieAll Biomes135Sidestep leap attacks and counterattack
ScreamerAll Biomes (High Activity)150Kill with a headshot to prevent summoning a horde
Crawler ZombieAll Biomes150Quick to kill but hard to spot
Demolition ZombieDesert, Wasteland1000Avoid hitting explosive charge; take out with headshots

Animal Zombies

Zombie DogAll Biomes175
Dire WolfAll Biomes (Night)3000
Zombie BearWasteland3500
Zombie VultureDesert30
GracePine Forest3400

Non-Zombified Animals

WolfPine Forest, Snow200
Mountain LionSnow750
BearPine Forest, Snow, Wasteland2300
Little BearPine Forest, Snow650
SnakePine Forest, Desert10
BoarPine Forest, Burnt Forest225