Call of Duty Zombies – Coffin Dance meme Easter Egg
To complete the Coffin Dance meme Easter Egg, you first have to start a session of Die machine. Once on the map, make your way towards the power switch. Only.
To complete the Coffin Dance meme Easter Egg, you first have to start a session of Die machine. Once on the map, make your way towards the power switch. Only.
Call of Duty’s map “Mauer der toten” has a secret Easter Egg that you would love to at least try out. The objective of this easter egg is very simple.
When playing Outbreak, there is a chance that you could come across one of the Dragon Trails. It is a large Rocket with a dragon head on top of it.
To find the secret place to claim your rewards, you’ll need to play Zombies’ Outbreak mode. The map rotation for each round of Outbreak is completely random, so you’ll want.