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7 Days to die – 1.0 Server Announcement

Good morning survivors and friends, noize here with today’s information about the 7 days to die server. As you all know, the 1.0 release didn’t go smoothly in everyone’s stomach. Most users have quitted or started to play something else during the time until they would be making some new updates to the game.

However, as mentioned before on discord, we have given you the chance to vote for the server and its future. Today, the poll results came in, and its clearly noticeable that the 7 days to die server is not that interested anymore.

Because of that, I will update the server to 1.0, delete all modded files on it and let those who voted for the 1.0 patch play on. The password details will be shared with the voters and those who are still interested in playing on it. Only a max of 10 players will have access to this server.

Happy survival!