Howdy there survivors and friends, noize here with a very urgent message. At this moment, it seems that a group of users are misusing our community name for an ongoing scam. We strongly advise you NOT to verify yourself on that server as they will take over your account.
We do NOT own a link such as If someone comes to you, saying “A friend opened up a new discord server, she made it for people to find others to play with”, it is not us and is highly likely a scam. An example of this message is shown down below the post.
Players who should obtain this message should ignore the message and delete it. Also, ensure that the user gets reported with XBOX, as the source comes from that platform. Yet again, do NOT click on these links they provide you, as it’s likely a scam and/or a rat. ( Remote Access Trojan ) to steal your discord information likely as it’s on XBOX, as well as your login credentials of your Microsoft/Xbox Account.