“Zetsubou No Shima” is another map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies with its own unique Easter Egg. Follow this guide to complete the Easter Egg and unlock its secrets:
Step 1: Preparation
- Setup: Ensure you have Pack-a-Punched weapons, Perk-a-Colas (Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Double Tap), and GobbleGums that can assist you during the Easter Egg.
- Unlock Perks: Activate the power and unlock the Perk-a-Cola machines around the map.
Step 2: Build the KT-4 Wonder Weapon
- Collect Parts: Gather the parts for the KT-4 Wonder Weapon. These parts can be found in different locations across the map.
- Assemble the KT-4: Build the KT-4 Wonder Weapon at a workbench.
Step 3: Upgrade the KT-4 to the Masamune
- Gather Ingredients: Collect the necessary ingredients (e.g., Rainbow Water, Fruit, and a Plant) to upgrade the KT-4 to the Masamune Wonder Weapon.
- Complete the Upgrade: Water the plant with Rainbow Water until it transforms into the AA bullet. Shoot this plant using the KT-4 to upgrade it to the Masamune.
Step 4: Complete Challenges and Rituals
- Complete Challenges: Fulfill challenges around the map to progress through the Easter Egg.
- Perform Rituals: Perform rituals related to the main quest (e.g., Skull of Nan Sapwe rituals).
Step 5: Activate and Fill the Skull of Nan Sapwe
- Obtain the Skull: Acquire the Skull of Nan Sapwe by completing its challenges.
- Use the Skull: Use the Skull of Nan Sapwe to activate and fill vats located in specific areas.
Step 6: Unlock the Main Easter Egg
- Solve Puzzles: Follow the steps provided to solve the various puzzles scattered throughout the map.
- Defeat the Boss: Complete the final steps, which involve fighting a boss (Thrasher) and solving the final puzzle.
Step 7: Claim Your Rewards
- Complete the Easter Egg: Finish the final boss battle and any remaining steps to complete the Easter Egg.
- Enjoy the Rewards: Collect your rewards, such as achievements, new weapons, and storyline progression.