What a great day would be, has ended up in a complete disaster. Game crashes, Missing items and worst of all, a support section that does not understand the term refund due to services not being 100% delivered. Sunday, between 2:00 local time and 10:00 local time, the event World of Wonders, where users could have a chance to obtain the Pokemon Primal Kyogre by battling in the gym for them.
Sadly, the Netherlands had some major problems with this event. Users kept crashing, the game randomly shut down and needed to be rebooted and a new kind of bug, where we were unable to use our buddies to travel along with us. An error would show up, saying something like “buddy_phone_not_ar_capable_desc” and if that was not everything, we also had to face an early ending of the event, where it was stated to be an event between 2:00 and 10:00, did the event already ended several hours beforehand.
While we could been playing a bit, we were unable to enjoy this event. While we had some major problems, other countries had a perfect catch. Saw a few users on Reddit with a large amount of new Pokemon and even a few shinies!
Update: As of this morning, it seems that the Pokemon Go app had some ongoing unscheduled maintenance. Sadly, this didn’t resolve the buddy issues, but the game itself does feel a bit more interactive than before.