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Black ops 2 Sequal confirmed – How did I know?

Yesterday, I released a new topic depending on the confirmed information about the sequel of black ops 2. How did I know that there was a sequel coming in the first place? Well, today I’m going to explain that.

With the release of Modern Warfare 3 its new zombie mode, a file was found in the game folder that was listed as “JetGun”. This Wonderweapon was the must-have weapon in Black Ops 2 zombies. While the Black Ops 2 Game had so much potential, a few things were still cut due to the limitations of the game engine we had back then.

It was noticeable with Tranzit, the game mode we all loved the most. Several parts of the area had good potential, but with the limitations of the game engine, they had to cut a few parts from the map. TranZit originally had more areas like a lava lake and a power factory. TranZit also originally had a separate version made that was set before the Moon and before Earth was blown up. Power Station was going to be another sub-area for Green Run but was cut in the end.

Travelling the bus in TranZit was originally much more dangerous. Upon entering special ‘ambush’ zones, there was a 25% chance of an Ambush Round starting. During this Ambush Round, the Bus would break down and Hellhounds would start spawning. Upon killing all the hellhounds, the players would receive a Max Ammo, and the bus would start moving again.

However, not only with Transzit, but there is much more missing from Black Ops 2 that just didn’t made the cut due to the limitations of the game engine or due to the time running out.

as of finding this file, i already had enough information that a new Black Ops 2 sequel was on its way and planned as intended. There are so many games at this moment that remake their former work into a new jacket with their remasters, so it would not be surprising that Call of Duty wants to join that bandwagon in the first place and my guts had it right. Black ops 2 Sequal is planned for 2025.

It was clear that the MW3 release of this year was a solid DLC for the modern warfare series as the storyline mode has nothing to do with the original storyline. Sometimes, i miss the older days, when we didn’t have problems and issues every single day with the game we loved and used to play day in and day out. we don’t need hundreds of skins on our weapons or cars. I rather pay for DLC then pay for skins on the market.