Community News

Radsz Aftermath – Hotfixes

Howdy survivors and friends, noize here. A Hotfix was applied yesterday night in order to fix an ongoing issue with SFPS drops.

  • Raidable Bases “Nightmare” and “Expert” are disabled for now due to the Sentry limitations that FacePunch has added. When a new hook is available for the plugin owner to use, the raidable bases plugin will be updated and Nightmare and Expert bases will be activated again.
  • Cash Earnings on Node Farming have been fixed.
  • Skinbox has been updated.

In the upcoming days, we will be adding a new informational plugin to the server. This will allow us to show you our community server Rules in a more compact and user-friendly way. This information plugin will only show once when you join our server and shall never be seen again once you click it away. ( We do will keep the usual information through our usual platform )